Building Blocks

by Mark Burrs

Children do the darndest things especially when we don't expect it. Often the behavior we are seeing is a mirror of what they have seen us doing or what they have observed on TV. With 4 boys, I need to remember, the TV is not a babysitter but more likely an errant teacher.

The merriment of children
The essence of innocence
One moment playing in the sand
Next teetering on a fence

Their world is imagination
Their currency tears and joy
The building blocks are made
By the artisan girl or boy

But nothing comes from nothing
Imagination needs a seed
What plays before their little eyes
Creative minds will feed

Cakes are not made from dirt and mud
Nor ice cream from cadavers
So why would one think a child could do more
If its garbage he or she gathers

Daily they remake their world
From stuff they find around
The TV set the instrument
Pushing any sight or sound

It shows distorted visions
Stuff that everyone should crave
Bikini bods, cool hot rods
And how they should behave

It shows them lots of killing
It shows them blood and gore
It shows them fake reality
And leaves them craving more

We need to guard their innocence
They don't know what's the score
We need to fight for purity
Turn off the electric whore

And something comes of something
If care a parent takes
The cost of every effort
Compound interest it makes

So show them lots of beauty
And love on them do pour
These building blocks of living life
With them they will build more